*NOTE* This patch is confirmed fully working without any bugs in it.However,some of you may unable to get this patch work.If this happen,please update your PSP firmware version or check whether you did anything wrong in the steps below.
*UPDATE* Ad-Hoc mode have been fixed!Now you can play with your friends!For those who have used patch V0.3,just download the new EBOOT from Step 3 and overwrite it with UMDGen.Then save your new ISO and replace it in your PSP.
*UPDATE 2* Newly released KHBBS plugin now supports God Eater!For those who used V0.4 plugin,just download the new plugin in Step 4 and overwrite the old one with it
What you need: 1)Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep clean ISO 2)UMDGen 3)dnas_decrypter 4)KHBBS plugins 5)A KHBBS savegame 6)Hex edited EBOOT
Step 2 Download UMDGen here.Using UMDGen,open the BBS iso you have downloaded.Go to PSP_GAME/USRDIR/ and extract BBS1.DAT,BBS2.DAT and BBS3.DAT to the root of your memorystick.For example,you PSP is X:\.Then it will be X:\BBS1.DAT X:\BBS2.DAT X:\BBS3.DAT
Download dnas_decryptor and extract it to X:\PSP\GAME.Make sure your memorystick still remains more than 700MB free space after you extract the BBS1.DAT,BBS2.DAT and BBS3.DAT.
Run the dnas_decryptor from your PSP.If you see a black screen its alright,the progress can take ~10 min, when its finshed it goes back to the xmb.Active USB Mode, in the root of your memorystick should be 6 files : BBS1.DAT BBS2.DAT BBS3.DAT ; BBS1_DEC.DAT,BBS2_DEC.DAT and BBS3_DEC.DAT.(NOTE:IF YOU ENABLED THE KHBBS.PRX YOU NEED TO DISABLE IT TO PREVENT THE PLUGIN DISTURBING THE DNAS_DECRYPTOR.YOU WILL GET A 0KB BBS1_DEC.DAT,BBS2_DEC.DAT and BBS3_DEC.DAT IF YOU DID NOTR DISABLE IT)
Step 3 Using UMDGen,open the iso again.Next,go to File->File List->Export and save it as BBS.txt.Then,go to PSP_GAME\USRDIR and delete BBS1.DAT,BBS2.DAT and BBS3.DAT and copy BBS1_DEC.DAT,BBS2_DEC.DAT and BBS3_DEC.DAT to URSDIR.Rename them BBS1.DAT, BBS2.DAT and BBS3.DAT accordingly.
Download the hex edited EBOOT.Go to PSP_GAME\SYSDIR\ and paste the downloaded EBOOT.When asked to overwrite,choose yes.
Next go to File -> Filelist -> Import and choose BBS.txt which you exported.When asked do you want to force file positions to match FileList positions?Click yes.After that,save your newly patched iso and you can delete the BBS1_DEC.DAT, BBS2_DEC.DAT and BBS3_DEC.DAT in your memorystick.(NOTE:DO NOT REMOVE THE USB CONNECTION WHEN UMDGen IS GENERATING THE NEW ISO.IF NOT,YOU WILL GET AN ERROR BECAUSE IT IS COPYING THE DATA OF BBS1_DEC.DAT,BBS2_DEC.DAT and BBS3_DEC.DAT FROM YOUR MEMORYSTICK)
Step 4 Download the plugins here.Extract and copy them to the root of your memorystick without changing anything in it.Click yes if asked to overwrite.
Last Step Download the savegame file and copy the folder to X:/psp/savedata/
Copy the new ISO to the memorystick iso folder and now you can enjoy playing it!